Articles about MoviX
I'd like to collect here links and info about all articles about MoviX on the Web and on print.
If you know about articles not contained in this page please drop me a note!
MoviX in Magazines:
- Jan04 - The Russian magazine Upgrade published an article entitled "Programmable Player. Live CD Distribution - MoviX2" by Vladimir Popov about the MoviX2 distribution. You can read the whole article from this link
- Jan04 - The Italian magazine < href=>Linux Magazine published a short article about MoviX and GeexBox in its January issue.
- Dec03 - The Italian magazine Linux Magazine published an article about how to build a cheap MoviXBox in its Dec03 issue (43-47).
- Dec03 - The Polish magazine CHIP Linux Special published an article by Inez Korczynski (MoviX Polish translator) about the three movix distros (p. 18-20).
- Dec03 - The German magazine c't published an article on how to use build a "MoviXBox" on VIA EPIA MBs (n. 25, 1/12/03, p. 116-118).
- Nov03 - The Dutch magazine Computer Totaal published a long article on the movix distros (n. 11, Nov 2003, p. 106-113)
- Oct03 - The UK magazine Personal Computer World mentions MoviX in its "hands on hardware" article as an interesting distro to put on CF cards.
- Oct03 - The German magazine c't contains a short but very positive description of the movix distros (n. 21, 6/10/03, p. 74).
- The French magazine Linux Loader published an article about MoviX, GeexBox and LinuxConsole on its Issue n. 18 (1,2)
- Jul03 - The Italian magazine Linux Pro encloses all movix distros in its July issue.
- Jul03 - The Spanish magazine Todo Linux talks about MoviX in a long article about Multimedia distros
- Jun03 - The Spanish magazine PC Actual publishes this month an article about MoviX and bundles the MoviX packages in its DVD.
- May03 - The Brazilian magazine Revista do Linux is including in their May issue all movix distros.
- Apr03 - The Spanish magazine Mundo Linux enclosed all movix distros in its April issue.
- The British magazine LinuxFormat includes all three *MoviX* "flavours" in its May issue (n. 40)
- An article about MoviX2 is on the April issue of the German magazine LinuxUser
The package was not included in the CD bundled with the magazine because of the DeCSS legal problems.
- An article about the MoviX project is on the May-June issue of the French magazine GNU/Linux Pratique.
The CD bundled with the magazine contains recent versions of all three MoviX packages! Moreover, the CD is actually a MoviX2 CD and can be used to play the R. Stallman avi interview! :-)
Articles on the Web:
- Rodando Filmes e MP3 em um PC sem HD (Brazilian)
- GuyMcArthur Movix Review
- Bart&David MoviX review (Belgium)
- Movix !. Una distribucion DivX. (Spanish)
- Movix la distribution multim dia (French)
- Se dine film overalt ! (Danish)
- The MoviX project (Live Linux Distros)
- July03 - MOVIX: a fantastica mini-distribucao Multimidia, another version of the introduction to MoviX in Brazilian Portuguese by Alessandro de Oliveira Faria.
- June03 - Movix : un utilitaire pour votre PC de salon., a short introduction to the MoviX projects [but with a few mistakes in it :-( ]
- June03 - MOVIX: a fantastica mini-distribucao Multimidia, an introduction to MoviX in Brazilian Portuguese, by Alessandro de Oliveira Faria.
- May03 - Movix - instantné kino pre kazdého, a new article in czech by Milan Gigel
- Apr03 - MoviX - multimediální minidistribuce, an article about MoviX in czech by Petr Krcmar
- Apr03 - MoviX, le DivX sous X, a short review in French by Gfive
- Apr03 - A Mplayer article by Kivilcim Hindistan on the O'Reilly web site quotes MoviX as an easy way to use MPlayer at his best without hassles :-)
- Movix2 Project: how to build your own MoviX2 Box, by Dai Tchau
- MoviX at iso4Linux: apparently now MoviX is also on sale at iso4linux :-)
- Premier pas avec Movix, Movix et eMovix, a short review of the MoviX distros.
- Movix (Review), a review by Guy MCArthur
- Movix: vedere DVD e ascoltare CD 'al volo', an italian article about the three movix distros, by Andrea Scrimieri
- Mod MoviX--BOX, a french article by Thoi-Dai Chau on how to build a custom MoviX2 box!
- MoviX, an article on MoviX in Polish by Pawel Kot
- Pingwin kinoman, another MoviX article in Polish, by Krzysztof Sokolowski
- A very nice MoviX review by DistroWatch is available at
- Self-Hosting Movies with MoviX, by Roberto De Leo
- Usando o Movix, by Clovis Sena
- Old monkey, new tricks, by David Kidd
- MoviX - multimédiá na dosah ruky (Nabootujme z CD s filmom), by Milan Gigel